
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cynical Me

We take everything out on the weather. And Mother Nature takes it without complaining, or maybe she doesn't. Why do we have to get mad at the rain if it just wasn't what we planned for that day? Heaven forbid our perfectly primped hair.... And why do we always have to say the weather is teasing us? Like, perfect weather is what we want and it's what we want all year long! ..but if we really got it would that be what we wanted? "Change it up up there, will ya?" We would shout or even curse. 

Why does weather have to be something we complain about? We can't wait for summer but if it comes too soon it makes studying impossible. Or are we just looking for an excuse? 

I mean this guy is stoked about the weather... And he's even stuck in a cone. 

Friday, May 17, 2013


It's 8:30 in the evening and the sun isn't completely set. That means summer is coming. That means.... [conflicted feelings]

As students, we tend to feel the urge to be weekend warriors. We say, "Oh no, I can't hang out this weekend, I have tons of homework to do." (or whatever arrangement of those words you may personally use.) Because yeah, that's totally true, right? wrong. I'm not stupid! While I know I've had plenty of weekends full of homework, I know that try as I may, I do not spend my entire weekend doing homework. Why would anyone do that? We all need a rest. And luckily, when I feel that resistance, I am usually able to just separate myself from schoolwork and take a rest.

Summer also means a rest. But not as much of a rest as a weekend. As students, we also feel the need to be summer warriors: taking on the best job, or plan that we can, because we should. But it can be a lot of pressure. Especially between junior and senior year when ideally we would get the internship of our dreams and then work for that company, or at least secure a good work ethic. I can safely say that I've been a bit obsessed about our summer plans. It was all working out in my mind and I was so excited I nearly packed our apartment two months early. But that might not work out, and I'm realizing that that's okay. So then maybe we would get to save money and stay in our apartment; maybe we'll get to see our family 7 X's more than last summer; maybe we'll get to relax a little more than we have before. Maybe we'll find a reason to fall in love with summer again and realize that sometimes it's not about which door we take, but just about which handle we use to get to the destination.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

through the camera lens

words feel beautiful
in the mouth.

this camera lens makes up for what
i cannot articulate

i swear
i'm not ignorant. 
i just can't always say
how i feel
for it is too close
to my heart