
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Write What You Know.

I know that God is very real and very aware of my needs.

I know the mountains in Montana be it summer or winter have more healing powers than the strongest drug or the Wizard of Oz.

I know that Mammoth Hot Springs is more dangerous than it is fun.

I know that I'm happier when I don't eat too much sugar.

I know that the act of comparison is enough to make one mentally more sick than the Swine Flu.

I know that love is what makes the world go round. And that it has the capacity to move mountains.

...that I am a firm believer in the law of attraction.

I know that an adamant amount of sleep and a daily schedule make me feel calm.

I know that there is sense to be made in Literature.

I know that Birthdays are important to me.

...that my grandmother has made more batches of cookies than Betty Crocker herself.

I know that there are two sides to every story.

I know that every single one of my family members are secretly super heroes (they've just gotta be).

I know that the material things that entertain my thoughts are not what are most important at the end of the day.

I know that I am meant to be a wife and a mother.

I know that learning and setting educational goals is important to me.

I know that I can do anything.